
68 Nikola Gabrovski Str.
Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Work hours: 08:30-17:30
Telephone: + 359 62 62 03 58
Fax: + 359 62 62 37 84


Банкови сметки

Банкова сметка за такси по ПМС 136, санкции и нак. постановления

IBAN: BG51UNCR75273140045301
в банка "Уникредит Булбанк" -
Велико Търново

face to people

On 22nd March 2012 will be held an information day about Strategic project „Joint Risk Monitoring during Emergencies in the Danube Area Border“,  reference number № 2s-2.2-1, MIS-ETC Code: 166 financed by the European Regional development fund and the State budgets of Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of Romania under the Crossborder Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013.

The programme of the information day is dedicated to World Water Day – 22nd March and the message about clean water of which we are going to promote among all partners ot RIEW Veliko Turnovo, citizens and public by means of a specially designed for the purpose in the framework of the project leaflet.

First achievements and outcome from the strategic project implementation will be presented before mayors and environmental experts from the municipalities at 10.30 a.m. in the information centre of the inspectorate.

Работа при нас
Green Line

062/ 62 03 58

Инф. система INCOLAB
Corruption Allegations

062/ 64 68 27

Червена книга на РБ 2015
Екологично образование