On 15th May 2012 there will be held an information day, a part of the Strategic project „Joint Risk Monitoring during Emergencies in the Danube Area Border“, MIS-ETC Code: 166 financed under the Crossborder Cooperation Programme Romania-Bulgaria 2007-2013.
This information day is dedicated to the World Climate Day which is 15th May. Our message „Let us keep the planet clean together“ will reach the citizens and the public via the drawings by students from Veliko Turnovo and Polski Trambesh made into special postcards in the framework of the project.
On 15th May all visitors of RIEW Veliko Turnovo will receive a postcard.
In the period 15.00-17.00 citizens interested in specific issues related to the activities and outcomes of the project will have the opportunity to meet and talk with Dipl. Eng. Elena Grigorova – Managing Director of RIEW-Veliko Turnovo and member of the Joint Steering Committee under the project.